
Ridder’s algorithm is a root-finding algorithm that helps to find the root of a given function. This algorithm is an improvement over the bisection method and provides a faster convergence rate. The algorithm is named after Derek Ridder, who introduced it in 1978. It is widely used in scientific and engineering applications.


The algorithm is implemented in OCaml as follows:

let ridder ?(max_iter = 1000) ?(xtol = 1e-6) f a b =
  let fa = f a in
  let fb = f b in
  let error () =
    let s = Printf.sprintf "f(a) *. f(b) = %g *. %g should be negative." fa fb in
    Owl_exception.INVALID_ARGUMENT s
  Owl_exception.verify (fa *. fb < 0.) error;
  if fa = 0.
  then a
  else if fb = 0.
  then b
  else (
    let xa = ref a in
    let xb = ref b in
    let fa = ref fa in
    let fb = ref fb in
    let x = ref infinity in
      for _i = 1 to max_iter do
        let dm = 0.5 *. (!xb -. !xa) in
        let xm = !xa +. dm in
        let fm = f xm in
        let s = sqrt ((fm *. fm) -. (!fa *. !fb)) in
        assert (s <> 0.);
        let sgn = if !fa < !fb then -1. else 1. in
        x := xm +. (sgn *. dm *. fm /. s);
        let fn = f !x in
        if Owl_base_maths.same_sign fn fm = false
        then (
          xa := !x;
          xb := xm;
          fa := fn;
          fb := fm)
        else if Owl_base_maths.same_sign fn !fa = false
        then (
          xb := !x;
          fb := fn)
        else (
          xa := !x;
          fa := fn);
        assert (abs_float (!xb -. !xa) >= xtol && fn != 0.)
    | _ -> !x)

The function takes three arguments: the function f whose root needs to be found, and the interval [a, b] within which to search for the root. The function returns the estimated value of the root.

Step-by-step Explanation

  1. The function ridder takes three input parameters: the function f whose root needs to be found, and the interval [a, b] within which to search for the root. It also has two optional parameters: max_iter (maximum number of iterations) and xtol (tolerance level). The function returns the estimated value of the root.

  2. The function computes the value of f at the two endpoints a and b, and stores them in the variables fa and fb, respectively.

  3. The function checks if the product of fa and fb is negative. If it is not, it raises an error since the algorithm only works if the function changes sign over the interval [a, b].

  4. The function checks if either fa or fb is zero. If either of them is zero, the function returns the corresponding value of a or b since the root is already found.

  5. The function initializes the variables xa, xb, fa, and fb with the values of a, b, fa, and fb, respectively. It also initializes the variable x with a value of infinity.

  6. The function enters a loop that runs for a maximum of max_iter iterations. This is to prevent the function from running indefinitely in case the algorithm fails to converge.

  7. Within the loop, the function computes the midpoint xm of the interval [xa, xb].

  8. The function computes the value of f at xm and stores it in the variable fm.

  9. The function computes the value of s, which is the square root of (fm^2 - fa*fb). This value is used to determine the new estimate for the root.

  10. The function checks if s is zero. If it is, the algorithm cannot continue since it would require division by zero. In this case, the function raises an error.

  11. The function computes the sign of fa and fb and stores it in the variable sgn. If fa < fb, sgn is set to -1, otherwise it is set to 1.

  12. The function computes the new estimate for the root using the formula x = xm + (sgn * dm * fm / s), where dm is half the distance between xa and xb.

  13. The function computes the value of f at the new estimate x and stores it in the variable fn.

  14. The function checks if fn and fm have opposite signs. If they do, the root is between xm and x, so the interval is updated to [xa, x] and fa and fb are updated accordingly. If they don’t, the root is between xa and x, so the interval is updated to [x, xb] and fa and fb are also updated accordingly.

  15. The function checks if fn and fa have opposite signs. If they do, the root is between xa and x, so the interval is updated to [xa, x] and fa is updated to fn. If they don’t, the root is between x and xb, so the interval is updated to [x, xb] and fb is updated to fn.

  16. The function checks if the absolute difference between xa and xb is less than xtol. If it is, the algorithm has converged and the function returns the estimated value of the root.

  17. If the loop has completed max_iter iterations without converging, the function raises an error.

  18. If an error occurs during the loop, the function returns the current estimate of the root.

Overall, the algorithm works by iteratively refining the interval [xa, xb] until the root is found within a certain tolerance level. At each iteration, the algorithm computes the midpoint xm of the interval and the value of f at xm. It then uses these values to compute a new estimate for the root using the Ridder’s formula. The algorithm then updates the interval and the values of fa and fb based on whether the new estimate is closer to xa or xb. The algorithm repeats this process until the root is found or the maximum number of iterations is reached.

Complexity Analysis

The time complexity of the Ridder’s algorithm is O(log2(1/ε)), where ε is the tolerance level. This means that the algorithm converges exponentially fast as the tolerance level is decreased. The algorithm also has a space complexity of O(1) since it only uses a fixed number of variables regardless of the size of the input.

However, it is important to note that the algorithm may not converge if the function is not well-behaved or if the interval [a, b] is not chosen properly. In such cases, the algorithm may require more iterations or fail to converge altogether. Therefore, it is important to carefully choose the interval and verify that the function changes sign over the interval before using the algorithm.