Balanced Brackets Problem
Balanced brackets is a problem that requires checking if a given string of brackets is balanced or not. A balanced string of brackets is one that has the same number of opening and closing brackets, and the brackets are properly nested. This problem has many applications, such as in compilers, text editors, and syntax checkers.
let generate_brackets n =
let rec aux i acc =
if i <= 0 then acc else
aux (pred i) ('['::']'::acc)
let brk = aux n [] in
List.sort (fun _ _ -> ( 3) - 1) brk
let is_balanced brk =
let rec aux = function
| [], 0 -> true
| '['::brk, level -> aux (brk, succ level)
| ']'::brk, 0 -> false
| ']'::brk, level -> aux (brk, pred level)
| _ -> assert false
aux (brk, 0)
let () =
let n = int_of_string Sys.argv.(1) in
let brk = generate_brackets n in
List.iter print_char brk;
Printf.printf " %B\n" (is_balanced brk);
The algorithm implemented here generates a random string of n brackets, either [
or ]
, and then checks if it is balanced. The generate_brackets
function generates a list of n brackets, alternating between [
and ]
, and then shuffles the list randomly. The is_balanced
function checks if the brackets are balanced by using a stack to keep track of the number of opening brackets seen so far. If a closing bracket is encountered while the stack is empty, or if the closing bracket does not match the most recent opening bracket, the string is not balanced.
Step-by-step Explanation
- The
function takes an integern
as input and returns a list ofn
brackets. - It uses a helper function
that takes an integeri
and a listacc
as input, wherei
is the number of brackets left to generate andacc
is the accumulator list that holds the generated brackets so far. - If
is less than or equal to 0, the function returns the accumulator list. - Otherwise, it calls
recursively withi-1
and['['; ']'] @ acc
, which adds an opening and closing bracket to the accumulator list. - The
function then shuffles the list randomly usingList.sort
and a comparison function that randomly returns -1, 0, or 1. - The
function takes a list of bracketsbrk
as input and returns a boolean indicating if the brackets are balanced or not. - It uses a helper function
that takes a tuple(brk, level)
as input, wherebrk
is the remaining list of brackets andlevel
is the number of opening brackets seen so far. - If
is empty andlevel
is 0, the function returns true, indicating that the brackets are balanced. - If the first character of
, the function callsaux
recursively with the tail ofbrk
. - If the first character of
, the function checks iflevel
is 0, indicating that there is no opening bracket to match the closing bracket. Iflevel
is not 0, the function callsaux
recursively with the tail ofbrk
. - If the first character of
is neither[
, the function raises an assertion error, since this should never happen. - The
function callsaux
with(brk, 0)
as the initial tuple, since there are no opening brackets seen so far. - The main function reads an integer
from the command line arguments, generates a random list ofn
brackets usinggenerate_brackets
, prints the brackets to the console, and then checks if they are balanced usingis_balanced
Complexity Analysis
The time complexity of generating the list of brackets is O(n), since it calls the aux
function recursively n times, and each call takes constant time to append two brackets to the accumulator list. The time complexity of shuffling the list is O(n log n), since it uses List.sort
with a comparison function that takes constant time. The time complexity of checking if the brackets are balanced is O(n), since it scans the list once and uses a stack to keep track of the opening brackets seen so far. The space complexity of generating the list of brackets is O(n), since it creates a list of size n. The space complexity of checking if the brackets are balanced is also O(n), since it uses a stack that can hold up to n opening brackets.
In summary, the overall time complexity of the algorithm is O(n log n), due to the sorting step, and the overall space complexity is O(n), due to the list and stack used.