
Additive prime is a prime number whose digits add up to another prime number. For example, 23 is an additive prime because 2 + 3 = 5, and both 23 and 5 are prime numbers. This algorithm checks whether a given number is an additive prime.


The algorithm is implemented in OCaml. The function digit_sum calculates the sum of digits of a given number. The function is_prime checks whether a given number is prime. The function is_additive_prime checks whether a given number is an additive prime by checking if the number and its digit sum are both prime.

let rec digit_sum n =
  if n < 10 then n else n mod 10 + digit_sum (n / 10)

let is_prime n =
  let rec test x =
    let q = n / x in x > q || x * q <> n && n mod (x + 2) <> 0 && test (x + 6)
  in if n < 5 then n lor 1 = 3 else n land 1 <> 0 && n mod 3 <> 0 && test 5

let is_additive_prime n =
  is_prime n && is_prime (digit_sum n)

Here is an example.

let () =
  Seq.ints 0 |> Seq.take_while ((>) 500) |> Seq.filter is_additive_prime
  |> Seq.iter (Printf.printf " %u") |> print_newline

Step-by-step Explanation

  1. The function digit_sum takes a positive integer n as input.
  2. If n is less than 10, then n is returned as the sum of digits of a single-digit number is the number itself.
  3. If n is greater than or equal to 10, then the last digit of n is added to the sum of digits of the remaining digits of n by recursively calling the digit_sum function.
  4. The function is_prime takes a positive integer n as input.
  5. If n is less than 5, then n is prime if and only if it is equal to 2 or 3.
  6. If n is greater than or equal to 5, then the function test is called with an initial value of 5.
  7. The function test takes a positive integer x as input and checks if n is divisible by x or x + 2, or if n is divisible by any number of the form x + 6k where k is a non-negative integer less than or equal to (n / x - x) / 6.
  8. If x is greater than (n / x - x) / 6, then n is prime.
  9. The function is_additive_prime takes a positive integer n as input.
  10. If n is not prime, then is_additive_prime returns false.
  11. If n is prime, then the function digit_sum is called with n as input.
  12. If the digit sum of n is not prime, then is_additive_prime returns false.
  13. If both n and its digit sum are prime, then is_additive_prime returns true.

Complexity Analysis

The time complexity of the digit_sum function is O(log n) as the number of digits in n is proportional to log n. The time complexity of the is_prime function is O(sqrt n) as it checks divisibility up to the square root of n. The worst-case time complexity of the is_additive_prime function is O(sqrt n log n) as it checks the primality of n and its digit sum, which each have a worst-case time complexity of O(sqrt n). The space complexity of all