
Polynomial interpolation is a mathematical technique used to construct a polynomial function that passes through a given set of points. Given a set of n points (x_0, y_0), (x_1, y_1), …, (x_n-1, y_n-1), polynomial interpolation finds a unique polynomial of degree n-1 or less that passes through these points. This technique is widely used in various fields such as computer graphics, numerical analysis, and signal processing.


The following code is an implementation of the polynomial interpolation algorithm in OCaml from Owl library. The function polint takes three arguments - xs, ys, and x. The arrays xs and ys represent the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the n points, respectively. The variable x represents the point at which we want to evaluate the polynomial. The function returns a tuple of two values - the interpolated value of the polynomial at x and the error estimate.

let polint xs ys x =
  let n = Array.length xs in
  let m = Array.length ys in
  let error () =
    let s =
        "polint requires that xs and ys have the same length, but xs length is %i \
         whereas ys length is %i"
    Owl_exception.INVALID_ARGUMENT s
  Owl_exception.verify (m = n) error;
  let c = Array.copy ys in
  let d = Array.copy ys in
  let ns = ref 0 in
  let dy = ref 0. in
  let dif = ref (abs_float (x -. xs.(0))) in
  for i = 0 to n - 1 do
    let dift = abs_float (x -. xs.(i)) in
    if dift < !dif
    then (
      ns := i;
      dif := dift)
  let y = ref ys.(!ns) in
  ns := !ns - 1;
  for m = 0 to n - 2 do
    for i = 0 to n - m - 2 do
      let ho = xs.(i) -. x in
      let hp = xs.(i + m + 1) -. x in
      let w = c.(i + 1) -. d.(i) in
      let den = ho -. hp in
      assert (den <> 0.);
      let den = w /. den in
      c.(i) <- ho *. den;
      d.(i) <- hp *. den
    if (2 * !ns) + 2 < n - m - 1
    then dy := c.(!ns + 1)
    else (
      dy := d.(!ns);
      ns := !ns - 1);
    y := !y +. !dy
  !y, !dy

Step-by-step Explanation

  1. The function first checks if the lengths of the arrays xs and ys are the same. If they are not, an exception is raised.

  2. Two arrays c and d are created, which are initialized to the values in the array ys.

  3. The variable ns is initialized to 0, which will be used to keep track of the index of the closest point to x.

  4. The variable dif is initialized to the absolute difference between x and the first point in the array xs.

  5. A loop is executed over all the points in the array xs. For each point, the absolute difference between x and the point is computed. If this difference is less than the current value of dif, then the index of the point is stored in the variable ns, and the value of dif is updated to the new difference.

  6. The value of y is initialized to the y-coordinate of the point in the array ys that is closest to x.

  7. The variable ns is decremented by 1.

  8. A loop is executed n-1 times. In each iteration, two nested loops are executed over the remaining points in the array xs. The variable m is used to keep track of the number of iterations.

  9. In the inner loop, the variable ho is initialized to the difference between the current point and x, and the variable hp is initialized to the difference between the point m positions ahead and x.

  10. The variable w is initialized to the difference between the y-coordinates of the point m positions ahead and the current point.

  11. The variable den is initialized to the difference between ho and hp. If den is 0, an exception is raised.

  12. The variable den is updated to w/den.

  13. The value of c at the current index is updated to ho*den, and the value of d at the current index is updated to hp*den.

  14. If the index of the closest point to x is less than n-m-1 multiplied by 2, then the value of dy is updated to c[ns+1]. Otherwise, the value of dy is updated to d[ns], and the index of the closest point to x is decremented by 1.

  15. The value of y is updated to y+dy.

  16. The function returns the tuple (y, dy).

Complexity Analysis

The polynomial interpolation algorithm has a time complexity of O(n^2), where n is the number of points. This is because the algorithm involves a nested loop over all the points in the input arrays. In the outer loop, the algorithm iterates n-1 times, and in the inner loop, it iterates over the remaining n-m-1 points. Therefore, the total number of iterations is given by the sum of the first n-1 positive integers, which is n(n-1)/2. Thus, the time complexity of the algorithm is O(n^2).

In terms of space complexity, the algorithm uses two arrays of size n to store the y-coordinates and two additional variables to store the interpolated value and the error estimate. Therefore, the space complexity of the algorithm is O(n).