
This algorithm is aimed at creating a simple command-line calendar application in the OCaml programming language. The purpose of this application is to output a calendar of one year or for a specified year in the command line. This output can be used as either a reference for a particular month/day of the week or as a schedule to be followed for a specific year.


(* Calendar Problem *)

#load "unix.cma"

let lang = "en"  (* language: English *)

let usage () =
  Printf.printf "Usage:
" Sys.argv.(0)

let month_pattern =
    [  0;  4;  8 ];
    [  1;  5;  9 ];
    [  2;  6; 10 ];
    [  3;  7; 11 ];

    [  0;  1;  2;  3;  4;  5 ];
    [  6;  7;  8;  9; 10; 11 ];

    [  0;  1;  2;  3 ];
    [  4;  5;  6;  7 ];
    [  8;  9; 10; 11 ];

let month_langs = [
  "en", [|
    "January"; "February"; "March"; "April";
    "May"; "June"; "July"; "August"; "September";
    "October"; "November"; "December";
  "fr", [|
    "janvier"; "février"; "mars"; "avril"; "mai";
    "juin"; "juillet"; "août"; "septembre";
    "octobre"; "novembre"; "décembre";

let days_lang = [
  "en", [| "Monday"; "Tuesday"; "Wednesday";
    "Thursday"; "Friday"; "Saturday"; "Sunday" |];
  "fr", [| "lundi"; "mardi"; "mercredi";
    "jeudi"; "vendredi"; "samedi"; "dimanche" |];

let titles_lang = [
  "en", "( Snoopy's best pic )";
  "fr", "( Le meilleur profil de Snoopy )";

let days = List.assoc lang days_lang
let month = List.assoc lang month_langs
let title = List.assoc lang titles_lang

let monday_first = 6, [| 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6 |]
let sunday_first = 0, [| 6; 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 |]

let off, days_order = sunday_first
let off, days_order = monday_first

let shorten n s =
  let len = String.length s in
  if n >= len then s else
    let n = if s.[n-1] = 'Ã' then n+1 else n in
    if n >= len then s else
      (String.sub s 0 n)

let pad size c s =
  let len = String.length s in
  let n1 = (size - len) / 2 in
  let n2 = size - len - n1 in
  String.make n1 c ^ s ^
  String.make n2 c

let days = (shorten 2) days

let indices ofs =
  (ofs / 7, ofs mod 7)

let t_same t1 t2 =
  ( t1.Unix.tm_year = t2.Unix.tm_year &&
    t1.Unix.tm_mon  = t2.Unix.tm_mon &&
    t1.Unix.tm_mday = t2.Unix.tm_mday )

let current_year () =
  let t = Unix.localtime (Unix.time ()) in
  (t.Unix.tm_year + 1900)

let make_month t year month =
  let empty_day = 0 in
  let m = Array.make_matrix 6 7 empty_day in
  let ofs = ref 0 in
  for day = 1 to 31 do
    let tm =
      { t with
        Unix.tm_year = year - 1900;
        Unix.tm_mon = month;
        Unix.tm_mday = day;
    let _, this = Unix.mktime tm in
    if !ofs = 0 then ofs := (this.Unix.tm_wday + off) mod 7;
    if t_same this tm then
      let i, j = indices !ofs in
      m.(i).(j) <- day;
    incr ofs;

let cal ~year =
  let empty = [| [| |] |] in
  let months = Array.make 12 empty in
  let t = Unix.gmtime 0.0 in
  for mon = 0 to 11 do
    months.(mon) <- make_month t year mon;

let print_month_label mp =
  List.iter (fun i ->
    let mon = pad 20 ' ' month.(i) in
    Printf.printf " %s " mon
  ) mp;
  print_newline ()

let print_day_label mp =
  List.iter (fun _ ->
    Array.iter (fun i ->
      Printf.printf " %s" days.(i)
    ) days_order
    ; print_string " "
  ) mp;
  print_newline ()

let print_mon m mp =
  print_month_label mp;
  print_day_label mp;
  for w = 0 to pred 6 do
    print_string begin
      String.concat " " begin (fun i ->
          let b = Buffer.create 132 in
          for d = 0 to pred 7 do
            match m.(i).(w).(d) with
            | 0 -> Buffer.add_string b "   "
            | d -> Printf.kprintf (Buffer.add_string b) " %2d" d
          (Buffer.contents b)
        ) mp
    ; print_string "

let print_cal ~y:m =
  List.iter (fun mon_row ->
    print_mon m mon_row
  ) month_pattern

let print_header lbl =
  let n = List.length (List.hd month_pattern) in
  let year_lbl = pad (23*n-7) ' ' lbl in
  Printf.printf " %s
" year_lbl

let print_calendar ~year =
  print_header title;
  print_header (string_of_int year);
  print_cal (cal ~year)

let () =
  let args = (Array.to_list Sys.argv) in
  match args with
  | [] ->
      let year = current_year () in
      print_calendar ~year
  | ["--year"; _year] ->
      let year = int_of_string _year in
      print_calendar ~year
  | _ ->
      usage ()

: This algorithm is implemented in the OCaml programming language. It takes in a command line argument to either specify the year or use the current year and then outputs a calendar print out in the command line.

Step-by-Step Explanation:

  1. The algorithm starts by taking in command-line arguments.
  2. If the argument is empty, it gets the current year and prints its calendar.
  3. If the argument is ‘–year’ followed by the desired year, it prints the calendar for the given year.
  4. It then initialises arrays like days of the week, months of the year in different languages.
  5. It also has a function to calculate the indices for 6x7 size calendar corresponding to the start date of a month.
  6. Next, it has a function to check if the year entered in the command line and the current year matches and they both share the same days in the month.
  7. It then has a current year function to return the current year.
  8. The next function is the make_month() function, which creates an array of months of the year with specified indices using the current/start date.
  9. The cal() function creates an empty array of length 12 and fills it with the array of each 6x7 calendar of every month of the year (created by make_month() function).
  10. The function print_month_label() prints out the months’ names of the calendar in a row.
  11. The function print_day_label() prints out the abbreviated days of the week in a row.
  12. print_mon() function prints out the 6x7 calendar rows (rows for each week of the month) of all the months next to each other.
  13. Lastly, the print_calendar() function does all the necessary printing in the correct order.

Complexity Analysis:

The time complexity of this algorithm can be measured by the total number of iterations of making the calendars, iterating over days and rows in the calendar, etc. We can consider the number of days in a year as “n”. Let’s examine the steps of significant complexity:

  1. In the make_month() function, we have a loop that will run for the maximum number of days in the month (31); this loop’s complexity will be “O(31)”.
  2. The cal() function runs for every month of the year, so the overall complexity is “O(12 * 31)”.
  3. The print_mon() function has three nested loops. The outermost loop controls weeks in a year (52), and the other two loops control the rows (6) and columns (7) of the calendar, respectively. Therefore, the overall complexity is “O(52 * 6 * 7)”.
  4. As the calendar printing is done only once, one-time printing will not add to the complexity.

In conclusion, the time complexity of the given algorithm is “O(12 * 31 + 52 * 6 * 7).” This could be improved by using a more specific data structure catering to the specific needs of the algorithm and optimising the number of iterations and loops used.