Benford Law
The Benford Law is an algorithm to measure the likelihood distribution of first digits in a set of numbers. This law predicts that in many naturally occurring sets of numbers, such as populations, stock prices, or scientific data, the first digit is more likely to be 1 than any other digit. Also, the following digits have decreassing probability to be the leading digit.
(* Benford Law *)
open Num
let fib =
let rec fib_aux f0 f1 = function
| 0 -> f0
| 1 -> f1
| n -> fib_aux f1 (f1 +/ f0) (n - 1)
fib_aux (num_of_int 0) (num_of_int 1) ;;
let create_fibo_string = function n -> string_of_num (fib n) ;;
let rec range i j = if i > j then [] else i :: (range (i + 1) j)
let n_max = 1000 ;;
let numbers = range 1 n_max in
let get_first_digit = function s -> Char.escaped (String.get s 0) in
let first_digits = get_first_digit ( create_fibo_string numbers) in
let data = Array.create 9 0 in
let fill_data vec = function n -> vec.(n - 1) <- vec.(n - 1) + 1 in
List.iter (fill_data data) ( int_of_string first_digits) ;
Printf.printf "
Frequency of the first digits in the Fibonacci sequence:
" ;
Array.iter (Printf.printf "%f ")
( (fun x -> (float x) /. float (n_max)) data) ;
let xvalues = range 1 9 in
let benfords_law = function x -> log10 (1.0 +. 1.0 /. float (x)) in
Printf.printf "
Prediction of Benford's law:
" ;
List.iter (Printf.printf "%f ") ( benfords_law xvalues) ;
Printf.printf "
" ;;
The code is written in OCaml. The algorithm is implemented by generating the first n Fibonacci numbers, and then calculating the first digit of each number. We then count the frequency of each digit from 1 to 9. Finally, we compare the obtained frequency values with their expected values according to Benford’s law.
Step-by-Step Explanation
- Define the Fibonacci function using two integers and a value of n.
- Create a string from the n-th number in the Fibonacci sequence.
- Create a list of numbers in the range (1, 1000).
- Extract the first digits of a given number using a custom function.
- Map all the numbers in the input list to their first digits.
- Create an array of size 9.
- Iterate over the list of first digits and increment the corresponding index in the array.
- Print the frequency of the first digits in the Fibonacci sequence.
- Create a list of xvalues using the range function.
- Define Benford’s law and map the xvalues to the expected values.
- Print out the Benford’s law prediction.
Complexity Analysis
The time complexity of this implementation is O(n), where “n” is the maximum number of Fibonacci numbers to be generated. Here, n_max = 1000. The space complexity of this program is O(1), as only a fixed-size array is used to store the frequency counts of the first digits.
Overall, this implementation is efficient and should work well for small values of “n_max”. However, for larger values of “n_max”, the time complexity can increase significantly, and the program may become computationally expensive.