
The Hermitian matrix is a square matrix with complex entries, which is equal to its own conjugate transpose. This matrix has many applications in physics, engineering, and signal processing, particularly in quantum mechanics. This algorithm implements the Hermitian of a given square matrix.


(* Hermitian Matrix *)

let hermitian ?(upper = true) x =
  let m, n = shape x in
  Owl_exception.(check (m = n) (NOT_SQUARE [| m; n |]));
  let y = copy x in
  let _y = flatten y |> Bigarray.array1_of_genarray in
  let _conj_op = _owl_conj (kind x) in
  let ofs = ref 0 in
  let incx, incy =
    match upper with
    | true  -> 1, m
    | false -> m, 1
  for i = 0 to m - 1 do
    (* copy and conjugate *)
    _conj_op (m - i) ~ofsx:!ofs ~incx ~ofsy:!ofs ~incy y y;
    (* set the imaginary part to zero by default. *)
    let a = _y.{!ofs} in
    _y.{!ofs} <- Complex.{ re =; im = 0. };
    ofs := !ofs + n + 1
  (* return the symmetric matrix *)

The function hermitian implements the Hermitian of a given matrix. It takes an optional argument upper with a default value true, which specifies whether the Hermitian matrix should be an upper or lower triangular matrix. If upper is true, then the upper triangular part of the matrix is computed, and if it is false, then the lower triangular part is computed. The function returns the Hermitian matrix.

Step-by-step Explanation

The hermitian function works as follows:

  1. It first gets the dimensions of the input matrix x using the shape function and checks if it is a square matrix. If it is not a square matrix, then it raises an exception.

  2. It then makes a copy of the input matrix x and creates a flat vector _y from the copy using the flatten function and Bigarray.array1_of_genarray function.

  3. It defines a new function _conj_op that takes an element in _y and returns its conjugate using the conj function. It uses this operator to conjugate the matrix elements.

  4. It initializes the ofs variable to 0, which is initially the offset of the vector _y.

  5. It defines the incx and incy variables based on the upper argument. If upper is true, then incx is 1, and incy is equal to the number of rows in the matrix. If upper is false, then incx is equal to the number of rows in the matrix, and incy is 1.

  6. It then starts a loop from 0 to the number of rows in the matrix minus 1.

  7. In each iteration, it first conjugates the remaining part of the matrix using the _conj_op function and sets the imaginary part of the conjugation to zero by default. This step produces the Hermitian of the matrix.

  8. It then updates the offset ofs based on the value of incx and incy.

  9. After the loop, it returns the Hermitian matrix.

Complexity Analysis

The time complexity of the hermitian function depends on the size of the input matrix. If the input matrix has dimensions n by n, the for-loop runs n times. The inner for loop does n-i conjugations and each conjugation operation is O(1). Therefore, the time complexity is O(n^3), which is the same as the complexity of matrix multiplication. The space complexity is O(n^2), which is due to the copy of the input matrix, and the flat vector _y.