
A stack is an abstract data type that follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle. The stack operates with two main methods: PUSH (inserts an element to the top of the stack) and POP (removes the top element from the stack). It can be visualized as a pile of plates in a cafeteria where the topmost plate is the only one accessible and is taken first.

A stack is a fundamental data structure widely used in computer science and programming. It is often used in programming languages to implement function calls, recursive algorithms, expression evaluation, and undo operations, etc.


(* Stack *)

type 'a t =
  { mutable used : int
  ; mutable size : int
  ; mutable data : 'a array

let allocate_space x = Array.(append x (copy x))

let make () = { used = 0; size = 0; data = [||] }

let push s x =
  if s.size = 0 then <- [| x |];
  if s.used = s.size
  then ( <- allocate_space;
    s.size <- Array.length; <- x;
  s.used <- s.used + 1

let pop s =
  match s.used with
  | 0 -> None
  | i ->
    s.used <- i - 1;

let peek s =
  match s.used with
  | 0 -> None
  | i -> Some - 1)

let is_empty s = s.used = 0

let mem s x = Array.mem x

let memq s x = Array.memq x

let to_array s = Array.sub 0 s.used

The provided OCaml code well-implements a stack. The stack is represented as a mutable record with three fields, namely used, size and data. The used field tracks the number of elements currently in the stack. The data field is an array that stores the stack elements. The size field keeps track of the array’s capacity in number of elements.

Step-by-step Explanation

  1. The allocate_space function appends the given array to its copy and returns the concatenated array.
  2. The make function initializes a new stack with zero size and zero used space.
  3. The push function adds a new element to the stack. The following cases are tested:
    • If the stack has not been initialized yet, data is set to an array containing only the input element.
    • If the stack is full (i.e., used equals size), the data array is extended by invoking the allocate_space function, and size is updated accordingly.
    • In any of the above cases, the new element is appended to data, used is updated accordingly.
  4. The pop function removes and returns the top element of the stack. The following cases are tested:
    • If the stack is empty (i.e., used equals 0), None is returned. - In any other case, the top element is removed from data, used is updated accordingly, and the top element is returned.
  5. The peek function returns the top element of the stack without modifying the stack in any way. The following cases are tested:
    • If the stack is empty, None is returned.
    • In any other case, the top element is returned without modifying the stack.
  6. The is_empty function returns true if the stack is empty (i.e., used is 0), and false otherwise.
  7. The mem function returns true if the given element is in the stack (data), and false otherwise, invoking the mem function of the Array module.
  8. The memq function returns true if the given element is in the stack (data), and false otherwise, invoking the memq function of the Array module.
  9. The to_array function converts the stack into an array and returns it. The resulting array contains the same elements in the same order as they were in the stack.

Complexity Analysis

The time-complexity of the push operation is O(1) in the average and worst case. The push function checks for empty and full stacks using constant time checks. Also, the allocate_space function is called on average once every time the size of the stack is doubled.

The time-complexity of the pop and peek operations is O(1) in the worst and average cases since they perform constant-time checks on the stack size.

The space-complexity of the stack is O(n). The size of the stack may be increased dynamically by allocate_space when the stack reaches its full capacity, which could be proportional to a maximum number of elements to be stored in the stack.

Therefore, this implementation of the stack provides good performance in time and space complexity and enable smooth and efficient processing of LIFO data structures.